Every costumer comes with curtain expectation about the quality of products, services, and the total feeling and experience of dealing with your business. When you exceed his expectation he perceives the quality as relatively high. When you fail to meet his expectation he perceives the quality as relatively low. In the back of every custamer's mind is a scale that campares what he gets with what he expect.
The goal of quality is to consistently meet or even exceed custamer expectation by providing products and services at price that creat value with total feeling and experience of the custemor satisfaction and profits for the company and its employee.
Quality as Product Feature.
The key to ensuring this form of quality is keeping in touch with the changing needs of the custumers and providing those products features that creat custumers satisfaction.
Guest feedback and survey results are important to indentify which features of current and new products or services the guests need.
Quality as Freedom from Defect.
Custumers generally expect or at least want the products and services they buy to be free from defects. Free defect product avoids custumer dissatisfaction, and is therefore a key factor in generating repeat business.
Most hospitality business have a service recovery system to guide managers and staff in resolving guest complaints. This system is short - term attemp to satisfy comlaining custumer with room upgrades, free dinner and so on. This service recovery system falls short of tracking defects and developing solutions that eliminate them.
The value of the "freedom from defect" approach to quality is that it awakens managers to unnecessary costs of doing businness and enables them to understand the importance of setting improvement goals.
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